What is SHALOM?
SHALOM is an acronym for Self-Help Alternative Living Opportunities of Michigan. We are a non-profit, independent, 501 (c) 3 corporation with a Board of Directors providing oversight. SHALOM exists to serve adults living with developmental disabilities.
We are people focused, Christ centered and community supported. The Shepherd’s Barn, Connection Depot Thrift Store, Woolery and Farm are means to serve those we have been called to love.
Our desire is to reach all people with the love and wholeness we ourselves are receiving through Christ.
What is the SHALOM Network?
Although SHALOM owns five homes, the Network is much broader, including two privately owned homes and many community friends living with their families. At capacity, the Network consists of 40 residents plus members of the care provider families. There are dozens of additional community friends associated with SHALOM. We envision adding to the Network as like-minded homes and individuals connect.
The SHALOM Network 2018 has seven homes: Homestead, Three Pines, Homestead South, Polk, Growing Grace, Groveland and Hope Grove, homes to 40 residents, plus care providers and their families. Three homes are licensed AFC (Adult Foster Care) homes and four are self-determined, supported living homes.
The homes are each managed by Christian care providers and operate as extended family, giving residents a place they call home with the support they need.
Community Involvement
SHALOM is volunteer driven and depends on the interest and generosity of the community. So many people invest in the SHALOM Mission each week! They do so through hours and hours of work along with lots and lots of fun!
Others give financially or through donations to the store. We want to be a blessing to our community and foster relationships.
SHALOM has given back in many ways to our generous community. We have so many opportunities to help those in need through the store.
The Woolery has included KRESA students living with autism spectrum disorder. We have collaborated with students from Western Michigan University Occupational Therapy and WoodsEdge Learning Center (KRESA) to do some of their training at SHALOM facilities.
And every year SHALOM takes the lead at Connection Link Camp.
Monthly Network meals at the Shepherd’s Barn are a time of family connections. In addition, each Friday night the Network can be found at various restaurants around town. Afterwards, many go swim or play at the YMCA.
Additional activities, such as craft and movie nights, are at various times. Residents generally have day activities, jobs or classes. Several residents work at the Woolery and Store.
SHALOM Worship!
All SHALOM residents are strongly encouraged to be involved at the Christian church of their choice.
In addition, the first Saturday night each month we gather for an interactive experience of SHALOM Worship! at the Barn. All are welcome, 1st Sat. each month, 6:30 pm.
Shepherd’s Barn
The Shepherd’s Barn is home to our office, Activity Center, Connection Depot Thrift Store and Woolery. The Activity Center is used for all kinds of Network gatherings and celebrations. The Aktion Club (Kiwanis) also meets monthly at the Barn, a club by and for adults with disabilities.
Connection Depot Thrift Store
Our store enables many more Network residents, friends and community folks to be involved together – which is entirely the point! We love the new relationships developed through those who volunteer, shop and donate. Stop by to visit Friday or Saturday, 9 – 3 (closed for Labor Day (Aug 30-31) Thanksgiving (Nov 29-30) and Christmas (Dec 20-21).
SHALOM Woolery
The SHALOM Woolery meets each Monday through Thursday 10 – 2, for a great time of work and fun. We learn to make many items and find much satisfaction in our time together.
As part of the SHALOM Woolery, SHALOM Living is an opportunity in which individuals living with disabilities and others engage in many unique experiences at the SHALOM Woolery, assisted by team coaches.
The variety of tasks in the SHALOM Woolery creates an exciting place to grow as a whole person physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Please ask about this great place to live life to the full!
A place to reach families living with disabilities, the SHALOM Farm is a busy place with animal care, gardening, Maple syrup and fruit. Goats and ducks recently joined our sheep and chickens, with alpaca and rabbits to come as God supplies.